Plum Discovery Survey
Your Guide to the Citi Plum Discovery Survey
- So, you've landed an interview and the Plum Discovery Survey awaits.
- Don't sweat it! This pre-employment test might seem daunting, but with the right info, you can navigate it like a pro.
Plum assessment
- Think of the Plum Discovery Survey as your chance to showcase your hidden gems - the soft skills that shine beyond your resume.
- Problem-solving, personality, and work style? Yep, the Plum wants to know all about 'em. the main point is to paint a picture of your professional potential.
- Priorities & Preferences
- Problem-Solving
- "You" Descriptor
- Social Interaction
- Workstyle

Time Traveler? Nah, Efficient Test Taker:
The good news? There's no timer ticking down. Most folks finish in 25 minutes, but take your time! Rushing through could lead to missed signals you want to send about your awesomeness.
Question Formats? Mystery Solved:
- Expect multiple-choice questions, puzzles that'll test your logical thinking, and statements you'll rate based on how well they describe you.
- Remember, honesty is key! You want to show your true colors, not paint a fake masterpiece.
Plum assessment problem solving test sample

- Domino Dots: Top side has a consecutive sequence of 1-5 dots. Bottom side has a consecutive sequence of 0-4 dots.
- Therefore last domino in the sequence with top side, 5 and bottom side 4 is the next in line
Plum assessment problem solving test sample 2

- The image above shows, 9 grids, each with 9 colored boxes. Each row within a grid has a unique color pattern.
- 9 color grids, each with 9 boxes. Top row in each grid is red, with alternating red boxes per grid, first row is 2, 3, 1, second row is 1, 2, 3, third row is 3, 1, 2
- Middle row in each grid is blue, with alternating blue boxes per grid, first row is 3, 2, 1 second row is 2, 1, 3 third row is 1, 3, 2
- Third row in each grid is green, with alternating green boxes per grid, first row is 1, 2, 3, second row is 3, 1, 2 and third row is 2, 3, 1
Plum assessment "You" Descriptor test sample

- I cannot claim to understand your personality or experiences, which are crucial for answering these types of questions effectively.
- Personality assessments in job applications are designed to gauge your unique attributes and see if they align with the company's culture and values.
While I can't give you specific answers, I can help you approach the exercise strategically and ethically:
- Honesty is Key: Remember, the goal is to present your authentic self while highlighting traits that resonate with the company's values. Choose descriptors that genuinely reflect your personality, even if they're not traditionally "positive." It's okay to not be perfect, and showing authenticity is valuable.
- Research the Company: Invest time in researching the company's core values and mission statement. Understand what kind of people they aim to attract and what work environment they foster. Use this knowledge to guide your selection of descriptors.
- Focus on Behaviors, not Just Traits: Don't just pick "positive" words. Consider specific behaviors that demonstrate the chosen traits. For example, instead of simply saying "motivated," explain a situation where you showed initiative and perseverance.
- Avoid Negatives: Even for the "least like you" section, focus on neutral language instead of outright negatives. Instead of "insecure," you could say "open to feedback."
- Consider the Whole Picture: Remember, this is just one part of the assessment. Don't get too hung up on a single question. Focus on showcasing your strengths and suitability for the position through your application as a whole.
Remember, there's no "perfect" answer. Be honest, be strategic, and let your true self shine through!
Plum Assessment: Plum Discovery Survey
Sample Plum Question: situational judgement

Analyzing the Scenario and Potential Responses:
Here's an analysis of the provided work situation and potential responses, keeping in mind that the "most effective" and "least effective" options will depend on various factors like company culture, team dynamics, and Mila's personal style.
Scenario: Mila, tasked with leading a marketing strategy meeting, faces a silent and uncharacteristically reserved team. She seeks effective ways to elicit their contributions.
Potential Responses:
1. Ask direct questions:
- Most effective: "It seems everyone's quiet today. I really value your insights, so don't hesitate to share your thoughts on any potential marketing strategies, even if they're just initial ideas." This shows concern for engagement while encouraging participation.
- Least effective: "Come on, team! We need some ideas! Anyone?" This can sound demanding and put pressure on participants, potentially making them more hesitant.
2. Open the floor for individual contributions:
- Most effective: "Let's go around the table and hear from everyone, one by one, on their initial thoughts for new marketing strategies." This provides a structured environment for individual participation.
- Least effective: "Anyone have any ideas to share? Feel free to jump in whenever you have something." This can create an unstructured environment where participants may hesitate to interrupt the flow.
3. Use brainstorming techniques:
- Most effective: "Let's use a quick brainstorming session to generate ideas collaboratively. Think outside the box! No idea is too crazy at this stage." This encourages team participation and creative thinking.
- Least effective: "I have a few ideas I'd like to share, but let me know if anyone else has anything to add." This suggests Mila might prioritize her own ideas, discouraging others from contributing.
4. Focus on team dynamics:
- Most effective: "I noticed the team is quieter than usual today. Are there any concerns or questions about the new marketing strategies that might be holding you back from sharing your thoughts?" This shows empathy and addresses potential underlying issues.
- Least effective: "Is everyone okay? It seems like the usual energy isn't here today. Let's get on with it." This disregards potential reasons for the team's lack of engagement and might further discourage interaction.
- The "best" response depends on various contextual factors.
- Consider Mila's communication style and her relationship with the team.
- Adaptability and active listening are crucial for navigating such situations effectively.
Plum assessment: Conclusion
- Just remember, the Plum Discovery Survey is about showcasing your unique talents.
- Relax, be yourself, and let your professional brilliance shine through. Now go out there and ace it!