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UBS Online Assessment 2025

Jan 29, 2025
  • UBS is the largest wealth management company in the world operating under four divisions which include investment banking, asset management, personal and corporate banking.
  • The UBS graduate program is designed for early career seekers based mainly in London and other financial hubs worldwide.
  • The UBS application process consists of four stages, UBS online application, UBS online assessment, UBS video interview, and UBS final assessment.
  • The UBS Online Assessment section consists of 3 stages, UBS Culture match, UBS Inductive Reasoning, and UBS Numerical Reasoning
  • the old UBS Cultural Appraiser assessment has now changed and is called the UBS Culture match assessment
  • the UBS online tests are carried out by Korn Ferry and AON Assessments In this article, I will break down what it takes to pass all the stages of the application process

UBS Online Assessment

UBS Cultural Appraiser / UBS Culture match

  • The UBS Culture match assessment consists of 18 questions where you will be presented with real-life work scenarios reflecting UBS's ways of working and culture, think of this like a situational judgment test or situational strengths tests
  • You will be presented with 18 realistic work scenarios along with a choice of actions to select.
  • The aim of the assessment is to measure how well you will fit into the UBS role and corporate environment. The assessment has been carefully designed to measure how well you will fit into our role and corporate environment
  • The assessment is not timed so it's best to work through the questions at your own pace, however, it is recommended to give yourself 20 minutes to complete the test
  • Find somewhere quiet and free from interruptions. The practice question at the start will help you get familiar with the structure.

How do I pass the UBS Culture test?

  • In the UBS culture match or the UBS Cultural Appraiser practice question below, you are put in a new situation with your colleagues who are more experienced than you,
  • Your task is to work together and complete work objectives
  • From the UBS 3 keys taking ownership is an important UBS core value so its important that you relish such an opportunity to work with more experienced colleagues as you'll learn and gain vital knowledge and skills
  • The most effective option will be to call your supervisor with tricky problems you can't fix on your own and the least effective will be to email your supervisor each week with a summary of all activities.
  • It is important to seek help when something is tricky or blocked but managing your own professional growth and taking ownership should be your job, not your supervisors
UBS Culture match sample question 1
  • It is important to familiarise yourself with UBS core values or the UBS three keys when attempting the culture match questions
  • UBS's strong and inclusive culture is grounded in the three keys to success, which are listed and broken down below.

UBS Online Assessment 2025 - UBS Culture match (Korn Ferry)

  • The UBS Online Assessment 2025 - UBS Culture match is a comprehensive evaluation tool designed to help you understand whether your personal values and goals align with those of UBS, one of the world's leading financial services firms.
I want this

Our Pillars

  • Capital strength – a balance sheet for all seasons
  • Simplification and efficiency – make it easy to do business
  • Risk management – anticipate and handle risk effectively

Our Principles

  • Client centricity – clients are at the heart of everything we do
  • Connectivity – create success by connecting people, ideas, and opportunities
  • Sustainable impact – act today with tomorrow in mind

Our Behaviors

  • Accountability with integrity – take ownership
  • Collaboration – work as one UBS
  • Innovation – improve every day

UBS Culture match sample question 1

UBS Culture match sample question 1

UBS Inductive Reasoning Test

  • This test measures your logical ability to find patterns and relationships in complex information. this test is timed and takes 6 minutes to finish.
  • There is an opportunity to practice sample questions which are untimed and help you to familiarise yourself with the assignment
  • on the left side of the screen two grids that have a unique pattern each
  • On the right side of the screen are four grids. Two of these grids follow the same rule as the two grids on the left side of the screen. The other two grids do not follow this rule.
  • To answer each question, you must select those two grids that follow the
    same rule as the two given grids. In the next step, you will learn how to
    select an answer.
UBS Inductive reasoning practice question 1
  • The two grids on the left have TWO unique patterns, the number of objects in the box and the position of the objects
  • Grid 1 has 9 objects in each box and they are all positioned in order with identical objects.
  • on the right side, the two boxes with identical objects and the same orderly pattern of an object are clear the red cross and blue triangles.
UBS Inductive reasoning practice question 2

The example above has two boxes, each box has 3 distinct objects with exactly orderly positions objects. the boxes on the right will have to follow the same rule to be correct as can be seen above selected.

  • In each task, two grids that follow a common rule are presented on the left
    side of the screen.
  • Your task is to discover the rule that links these two grids and mark the two grids on the right side of the screen that follow the same rule.
  • The rule always relates to the number and position of objects within a grid.
  • The rule always relates to the number and position of objects within a grid and not to a logical NOT or OR statement.
  • The different colours and shapes of the objects in the grids are simply to make them easy to distinguish.

UBS Online Assessment Inductive Reasoning Test 2025

  • The UBS Inductive Reasoning Test is a timed assessment that measures a person's logical ability to identify patterns and relationships in complex information. It takes 6 minutes to complete.
I want this!!

UBS Numerical Reasoning Test

  • The UBS Numerical reasoning test provider for 2025 is AON Assessments
  • The test contains 37 tasks. You will be given 12 minutes to complete these 37 tasks.
  • Most people cannot complete all 37 tasks in 12 minutes so don't panic if you are running out of time to complete the test
  • focus on accuracy and then speed this will be the best strategy to pass the Aon tests
  • The information on the data sheets will not change during the test.
UBS Numerical reasoning assessment powered by Aon

What does UBS look for in candidates?

  • UBS is looking for candidates that fit into their culture of work personally and professionally, you also have to demonstrate your skills technically hence the UBS numerical reasoning assignment
  • the UBS numerical reasoning test checks your ability to analyse and evaluate data from tables and diagrams
  • You need to be able to evaluate statements presented to you and decide if the individual statements are true based only on the information contained in the brief, like the UBS sample question below
UBS Numerical Reasoning Sample Question 1

How do I pass the UBS Numerical Reasoning test?

  • First, read the statement then select and look at the datasheet you need for the
    evaluation of that statement.
  • After doing so, evaluate the statement. Select TRUE if the statement is absolutely true given the information contained in the brief.
  • Select FALSE if the statement is absolutely untrue given the information contained in the brief.
  • Select CANNOT SAY if you cannot say beyond doubt, without further information, whether the statement is true or false based on the information contained in the brief.
  • Each statement relates to a singular datasheet, you need to find and refer to the respective datasheet.

How hard is UBS numerical test?

  • Below are two examples of UBS numerical test, its not difficult but the time pressure makes it more intense, so its best to practice as much as possible
UBS Numerical Reasoning datasheet
UBS Numerical Reasoning Sample Question 2
  • The statement above wants you to evaluate the value of shares in year 7. From the table above ordinary shares at the beginning of the financial year, 7 are 1600 and at the end of year 7 it is 1500, so the statement is TRUE, the value is lower by the end of FY 7.

UBS Numerical Reasoning Sample Question 3 with datasheet
  • The statement above is hard to work out from the graph given since there are no absolute numerical values only percentages so the answer is CANNOT SAY

UBS Online Assessment 2025 UBS Numerical Reasoning Test

  • The UBS Numerical Reasoning Test is a comprehensive evaluation tool designed to assess your ability to understand and interpret numerical data.
I want this!!

​UBS Programmes early careers

  • UBS is hiring on a rolling basis. This means that once they have filled all available spots, they will stop looking at new applications. Apply as early as possible to secure a spot!

UBS Spring Insight Program

  • Students in their first or second year of a 3-year or 4-year course can take the Spring Week, a 3-day insight program.
  • The purpose of this program is to give you an insight and glimpse of UBS working culture and environment
  • This program will rotate you between different divisions of the bank, including global banking, global markets, risk, and technology. A tour will give you a chance to see what each division does up close.
  • To guide you through the early stages of your career, as well as to help you figure out what you like about investment banking.
  • You will receive accelerated processing for your summer internship application during the spring week.

UBS Summer Internship

  • On this 10-week summer program, you’ll be a real part of the team, working with UBS experts and learning about the industry, UBS clients, and a specific area of the firm
  • You’ll have plenty of opportunities to develop new skills and make contacts. And if you impress UBS, you will have the opportunity to join the UBS Graduate Talent Program once you’ve graduated.

UBS Graduate Program

  • the UBS Graduate Scheme or the UBS Graduate Talent Program is a permanent contract role for new graduates who want to get into a career in banking and finance
  • The graduate talent program is designed to ensure that you'll have an in-depth introduction to the UBS firm and the business you will be part of.
  • You'll start your UBS experience by participating in UBS Discovery, a training program that will bring you up to speed on our industry, strategy, capabilities, and culture.
  • In the graduate program which will last 18-24 months, you will be assigned to one specific business area of the business within one of three divisions:
  1. Investment Bank
  2. Asset Management
  3. Corporate Center


  • If you have completed the UBS online assessment do I have to do it again when applying for a new role?
You don't have to do the ubs online assessment when applying for other roles within UBS as long as youve passed the test within the last 6 months
  • How long do I have to complete the tests once I get the email?
You will have 5 days from the invitation to complete the assignment
  • Do only target-school students get accepted for a UBS program?
any candidate from all schools are welcome there is absolutely no discrimination against other schools or universities
  • I haven’t decided which area of the bank I am more interested in. Can I apply for several summer internship programs?
UBS limits your applications to 1 a year so be sure to pick the right program
